Article 123. Qualified piracy. - The penalty of reclusion temporal to death shall be imposed upon those who commit any of the crimes referred to in the preceding article, under any of the following circumstances:

1. Whenever they have seized a vessel by boarding or firing upon the same;

2. Whenever the pirates have abandoned their victims without means of saving themselves; or

3. Whenever the crime is accompanied by murder, homicide, physical injuries or rape.

What is qualified piracy?

Qualified piracy is the commission of the act of piracy under the following circumstances:

  1. Whenever they have seized a vessel by boarding or firing upon the same;

  2. Whenever the pirates have abandoned their victims without means of saving themselves; or

  3. Whenever the crime is accompanied by murder, homicide, physical injuries or rape.

What is qualified mutiny?

Qualified mutiny is the commission of the act of mutiny under the following circumstances:

  1. Whenever the pirates have abandoned their victims without means of saving themselves; or

  2. Whenever the crime is accompanied by murder, homicide, physical injuries or rape.

● When crimes other than murder, homicide, physical injuries or rape are committed, such are crimes in themselves and not qualifying circumstances. (Boado)