What is good conduct time allowance (GCTA)?

Good conduct time allowance reduces the actual time a prisoner serves his or her prison sentence.

Does this apply to both detention and convicted prisoner?

Yes. The benefit of good conduct time allowance is available to both detention and convicted prisoners. However, the benefit does not extend to recidivists, habitual delinquents, or those summoned for execution of their sentences but have failed to surrender voluntarily. 

How much deductions are granted?

ART. 97. Allowance for good conduct. – The good conduct of any offender qualified for credit for preventive imprisonment pursuant to Article 29 of this Code, or of any convicted prisoner in any penal institution, rehabilitation or detention center or any other local jail shall entitle him to the following deductions from the period of his sentence:

1. During the first two years of imprisonment, he shall be allowed a deduction of twenty days for each month of good behavior during detention;

2. During the third to the fifth year, inclusive, of his imprisonment, he shall be allowed a reduction of twenty-three days for each month of good behavior during detention;

3. During the following years until the tenth year, inclusive, of his imprisonment, he shall be allowed a deduction of twenty-five days for each month of good behavior during detention;

4. During the eleventh and successive years of his imprisonment, he shall be allowed a deduction of thirty days for each month of good behavior during detention; and

5. At any time during the period of imprisonment, he shall be allowed another deduction of fifteen days, in addition to numbers one to four hereof, for each month of study, teaching or mentoring service time rendered. (Art. 97, RPC as amended by R.A. 10592)

   1st - 2nd year    20 days for each month of good behavior
   3rd - 5th year    23 days for each month of good behavior
   6th - 10th year     25 days for each month of good behavior
   11th year onwards    30 days for each month of good behavior
   At any time during the period of imprisonment  
   (additional deduction)
   Additional 15 days for each month of study,
   teaching or mentoring service time required

Does an appeal by the accused deprive him of entitlement to the above allowances for good conduct?

No. An appeal by the accused shall not deprive him of entitlement to the above allowances for good conduct. (Art. 97, RPC as amended by R.A. 10592)

Who grants time allowances?

1.  the Director of the Bureau of Corrections
2.  the Chief of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology and/or 
3.  the Warden of a provincial, district, municipal or city jail 

Such allowances once granted shall not be revoked. (Art. 99, RPC as amended by R.A. 10592)