Article 284. Bond for good behavior. - In all cases falling within the two next preceding articles, the person making the threats may also be required to give bail not to molest the person threatened, or if he shall fail to give such bail, he shall be sentenced to destierro.

What is bond for good behavior?

Bond for good behavior is an amount of money required to be deposited by a person accused with grave or light threats to ensure that he will not molest the person threatened.

In what cases may a person be required to give bail not to molest another?

Only in cases of:

1. Grave Threats
2. Light Threats

Distinguish bond to keep the peace and bond for good behavior.

1. Bond to keep the peace is not made applicable to any particular case whereas bond for good behavior is applicable only to cases of grave threats and light threats.

2. In bond to keep the peace, if the offender fails to give the bond, he shall be be detained for a period which shall in not exceed 6 months (is prosecuted for a grave or less grave felony) or 30 days (if prosecuted for light felony). In bond for good behavior, if the offender fails to give bail, he shall be sentenced to destierro.