Distinguish Subpoena from Summons

1. To whom directed

SUBPOENA is directed to a witness (non-party); whereas SUMMONS is directed to a defendant in a civil case.

2. Purpose

In SUBPOENA, the witness is directed to appear in court or to bring documents; whereas in SUMMONS, the defendant is informed that a complaint is filed against him and he must file a responsive pleading within the period otherwise, judgment can be rendered;

3. Failure to comply

In SUBPOENA, the witness will be declared in contempt or his attendance can be compelled by the issuance of a warrant for his arrest; whereas in SUMMONS, a judgment in default will be rendered against the defendant who fails to comply.

4. Where applicable 

SUBPOENA is applicable to both criminal and civil case; whereas SUMMONS applies only to civil cases.

5. Distance limitation

In SUBPOENA, there is a 100-km limitation of its enforceability; whereas in SUMMONS, there is no distance limitation.